In a couple of minutes when the clock hits 12am another day will be gone, and I'll be left with nine days in Maryland. The clock is ticking and I realize nine days are not enough, but I can't extend my time anymore. Nine days are all I have left, and I'm scared.
I've realized this week that I'm going to miss everyone more than I've imagined, this is going to be very hard. I hope I get a chance to say bye to every single one of my friends, if I don't I apologize.
I've met some amazing people here in this eastern state that I will never forget. No matter where I go, how many years go by I'm always going to be here for you guys specially my close friends, you guys have open up your way to my heart. Thank you so much for being there for me all these months, helping me out, putting a smile on my face, sticking with me through not only the good times but the bad times as well. I'm so lucky to have you guys in my life.
This post is so hard for me to write, because as I type these words that come from my heart tears come out.
I know I can be difficult at times, but that doesn't mean I don't care about any of you. I would be lost without you guys. You guys have helped me become who I am today.
I know nine days aren't going to be enough, but I want to make the best out of them. I want to see you all, create more memories and enjoy the little time I have left with you guys, my Maryland family.
With love,
keep up with these amazing post with your head held up high!